Digital marketing

Boost your business, learn the latest techniques!

Customer experience

Product information: the key to an optimal customer experience

Rich, reliable product sheets must include detailed descriptions and high-quality photos.

By improving the customer experience, you reduce return rates and offer consumers the opportunity to make informed purchasing decisions. The solution enables you to deliver optimal, compelling product experiences across all sales channels.

Point of sale

E-commerce and mobile


6 essential elements
for successful SEO


Technical optimization




Acquisition of natural links


Analysis & performance monitoring


Expertise and ongoing training


Patience and perseverance

Interact with your followers
and develop your community

To develop your community, you need to know what your followers want and need. Find out what they want, so you can tailor your content and interactions to them. By interacting with your ambassadors, you can consolidate a relationship of trust. If you want to encourage engagement, simply diversify your content formats and make them attractive.

Beyond the logo

The power of brand equity in
a changing marketing world

More than just a logo, brand equity is based on customer awareness, image and loyalty. Companies need to adapt their marketing strategy to optimize their visibility on the web.

If you want to invest in building solid brand equity, you need to develop a coherent strategy. Think about creating memorable and engaging customer experiences, as well as defining a clear and unique identity. By improving your image, you’ll build customer loyalty, boost your market share and set yourself apart from the competition.

Focus on images

Vital steps in producing impactful visual content

To produce visual content that captures your audience’s attention, you need to follow three main phases. Start by determining your objectives and personas. Next, create high-quality, engaging visuals. Finally, optimize your content so that it is more visible on the web and social networks.

Creative palette

Using colors for visual design

Creative lighting

Creating interactive and engaging content

Pixel power

Communication performance

Vary visual content formats

Building audience loyalty

3 key engagement metrics every marketer should track

Conversion rate
The conversion rate is an indispensable indicator for assessing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts and the impact of your actions.

Digital revolution

How AI is reshaping
the online shopping experience

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing online product search by offering personalized recommendations. For example, e-commerce site owners are using this technology to recommend products to consumers based on their purchase and search history.

Artificial intelligence
for shopping

More personalized customer experience

Beyond shopping

Analysis and advertising

Behind the scenes of the customer experience

A positive and memorable experience

Marketing events

Pitfalls to avoid at
marketing events

When organizing a marketing event, you need to draw up an action plan to achieve your objectives. It’s also important not to neglect the logistical aspect to ensure your event runs smoothly.

Lack of clear direction

Lack of strategic planning

Post-event engagement strengthens customer relations. A company should not neglect it, as it enhances its brand image. By measuring the impact of your engagement, you can identify strengths and areas for improvement to ensure the success of your project.

Neglecting post-event engagement

Thank-you e-mails

Expert advice

Working with market
research companies

Digital channels

In-depth professional expertise

Refine your strategies

Access to quality data and insights

Marketing automation tools

Save time and